
Viva Velo Vitality

As is common during the winter season in Canada, the sport of cycling goes into hibernation. This year has been no exception with greater than usual snowfall and a commensurate plunge into the freezer. The effects on our sport are tangible during these frigid and 7 hour days, and the spirits of even the truest of champions can take a beating. So was this true for the renowned and celebrated victors of Happiness, the captains of perseverance, producers of velo-vitality....Happy Lucky 88 and it's media medium Team Vitesse.

Fans of the fabled team have had to endure the vacancy sign at the Hotel Happy, praying for any morsel of inspiration from its leaders. But now it can be announced that the ice is beginning to thaw, the rooms are clean and the beds turned down, as new life springs onto the cosmodromic blogosphere over the past few days. In fact, spokespeople for the people from the people's republic of HL88 indicate that the new Blog masthead invoke the World Championship rainbow colours. They do indeed. A symbolist might suggest that the image implies Olympic dreams as well. Shasta Shazaam! Either way, hope (and other stuff) floats, and sweat springs eternal....Vitesse and HL88 are ALIVE!

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