The Western Oceanographic Research Cosmodrome or WORC has tested some special equipment for use in the BOFFOC (Bags On Feet For Outdoor Cycling) testing. Of course, the testy competition has been suspended during the current seasonal warming period called spring. However, you can imagine the excitement and enchantment experienced by test subject and staff when the WORC equipment was unveiled.

The timeless beauty of the WORC BOFFOC bags was too much and h2o decided to circumvent the strict BOFFOC rules surrounding out of competition bag usage. A short BOFFOC demonstration reveals how the bags bear up under stress conditions. These particular bags are light and have a high crinkle factor with a bonus Dutch image printing feature. We will have to wait until the temperature dips below minus 25C to test these late entrants to the competition properly. However they will be very useful in maintaining dry feet if and when the snow finally melts to form large seasonal puddles and lakes.

Click on image for full effect.