
Celebrate Dr. K2's achievement!

Right now, at this point in time, if you order more than a baker's dozen of Happy Lucky 88's new AnkCafib, you may be eligible for an amazing collector's trading card. HL88 has secured a humongous volume of these beautiful Cosmonaut Barbie trading cards. Suitable for framing or clipping to your spokes, the Cosmonaut Barbie will provide extreme pimping for your ride.

Help celebrate the recent name change for the Team Vitesse member formerly known as K2nees with an order of AnkCAFIBS - now autographed by Dr. K2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love a cosmobarbie for my spokes.

Is there a way that we (HL88/Vitesse) can exploit this new academic credential as part of our team marketing and product prestige. Our products can now be "DR. endorsed" for example. One out of one Vitesse team "doctors" recommend the CAFIB program....for example. Dr. K2 won't mind prostituting his title, and stretching credibility, will he?

LB (Liquor Bottle)