
HL88 Apres Ride Fashion

HL88 Manufactory is expecting big results from its cycling team. To that end, the Manufactory has developed a special edition clothing line.  Meant to be worn during post race interviews, these High Plains Waisters are both comfortable and are guaranteed to instill respect. 
Available from HL88 to the general public, the High Plains Waisters are sure to be a staple of everyone's wardrobe.  Become a champion like the members of Team Vitesse when you wear a great looking pant like these.


Under New Management

The Westmount Cosmodrome, universal centre of industry for HL 88 MANUFACTORY, has been off line for 7 weeks while new life saving parts were installed. The operation appears to have been a success. Order a copy of the book Soviet Cosmonautics and add a pinch of salt to get an idea of the scope of the make-over.
 Cycling has begun with a sideways facing bear route of 3.5 kms designed as a crit.