
Geese Gorge on Gluten

Geese enjoying a pre-flight gluten gorge on Farmer Jones' wheat. Time to dig out the studded tyres...this must be an omen that WINTER is coming.


Re-Branded HL88 Product

Happy Lucky 88 Manufactory is sensitive to criticism and after complaints surfaced concerning the name "Douche Bag" for the new under saddle tool bag, a rebranding effort ensued. 

Henceforth, HL88 Manufactory will present the TOOCHE Bag, a highly clever and intelligent amalgam of Douche and Tool.  

Pictured above is the Tooche Bag made specifically to Lampo Bianco's vaguely articulated specifications. HL88 is working on an instruction manual illustrating how to attach the Tooche Bag to Lampo's saddle. Note that high rollers like Lampo Bianco always travels with multiple $50 bills in his Tooche.


HL88 Cap Review

The long awaited Happy Lucky 88 Manufactory cycling cap has arrived! Made from the same excellent and unique PLYWOODIUM, the side panels ensure excessive speed coupled with superb insulation and brilliant transmutation properties. 

"Stylish yet effective" were the first three words out of bowtie_bob's mouth as he road tested the cap inside the Cosmodrome. "Honourably daunting yet friendly to the touch" were fourth through seventh words he uttered.  
These caps are available from the Westmount Cosmodrome for a limited time at the incomparably reasonable price of $25 CDN. 


Leica - OOH AH

Easily the most beautiful film camera ever made.


Johan's Checkered Past

During the 1960's Johan built up his quad muscles by street racing rocket propelled motorcycles. 


Cosmodrome Relax Chamber

Team members are allowed to decompress after extreme efforts by looking at the furniture.


Johan's Formative Training

HL88 - preparing to launch alternatives


New Cosmonaut Recovery Drink

HL88's Ply-Rouge Recovery:  chock full of robust recovery activation boldness and performance excellence.