
Team Vitesse has adopted the pelican as the official "team bird mascot". Long known for its large capacity for carrying food, Johan felt the pelican is emblematic of all that is unique about the members of Team Vitesse. Please join the team in extending a tip of the hat, a helping hand, and a fond appreciation to all pelicans.
In a completely unrelated matter, yesterday's training ride was proof positive that the heavy drop is an incredibly dangerous weapon. The unsanctioned UCI event saw Dr. K2 and h20 ride through the teeth of a sleet/rain storm. It seemed only natural that h20 would want to drop "the heavy" on the good doctor whose vastly under geared bike would be no match for the h20 machine. Not only did the PHD watch h20 disappear into the distance but he had to endure a gigantic rooster tail of water and sand. Independent sources say that the rooster tail created by the heavy drop reached a height of 10 meters and a length of 500 meters. No wonder the UCI has banned this peleton killing maneuver.

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