
Lampo's Preparations in High Gear

Lampo Bianco has turned up the heat on his training schedule and correspondingly on his seat. If you have been following the buttapp, you will know that LB entered the orange zone on 2 separate occasions with frightening and dreadful results.
When Lampo regained consciousness, he realized that riding on the west coast can be a wet proposition. He hurriedly put in an apparel requisition to Happy Lucky 88 Manufactory. HL88 seldom deviates from its mission statement, "Creating problems for existing solutions" and they have proven true to their word. Once again HL88 has solved Lampo's aversion to precip with this stunning creation specifically designed with Lampo's unique physique in mind.
Aerodynamic in every way, stylish while doubling as a bivouac tent, Lampo is sure to be the envy of all those dedicated riders in the Ride to Conquer Cold Arm. Success is now within the grasp of Lampo Bianco as he does his part to alleviate Cold Arm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what? no team issued super absorbent rain cape for LB? johan will not be pleased with the lack of team kit...